= period, phase, stage, term, chapter, interregnum, span, spell, stint, stretch.
Ex: Library use declines during the June-October period when examinations have finished and the students are on vacation.
Ex: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.
Ex: The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.
Ex: The board consists of seven members elected by popular ballot for three-year terms.
Ex: The late 18th century heyday of aristocratic libraries was a brief but important chapter in Hungarian library history.
Ex: In American higher education the interregnum between world wars was a time of drift and disappointment.
Ex: The disc held an 18-month span of data from CAB ABSTRACTS.
Ex: The outstanding example is Ian Sillitoe, who started writing seriously only after reading undisturbed during a lengthy spell in hospital.
Ex: Evidence for identification is rarely available, but in a few cases very full printers" records have survived in which individual stints are accounted for.
Ex: After all, who has not felt dog-tired and drained, sometimes for long stretches, at one time or another?.
* breve período de tiempo = while.
* del período = menstrual.
* durante este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
* durante largos períodos de tiempo = over long periods of time.
* durante un largo período de tiempo = over a long time scale, over a long period of time, for a long period of time, over a long period.
* durante un período de + Expresión Temporal = over a period of + Expresión Temporal.
* durante un período de prueba = on a trial basis.
* durante un período de tiempo = for a number of years.
* durante un periodo de tiempo determinado = over a period of time.
* durante un período de tiempo indefinido = over an indefinite period of time, over an indefinite span of time.
* durante un período indefinido = for an indefinite period.
* en el período penoso de = in the throes of.
* en el período previo a = in the run up to, during the run up to.
* en este período = in the course of events, during the course of events.
* en período de = in the throes of.
* en período de desarrollo = in ascendancy.
* en un corto período de tiempo = in a short period of time.
* en un período de = at a time of.
* largos períodos de tiempo = long periods of time.
* madre en período de lactancia = nursing mother.
* mujer en período de lactancia = nursing woman.
* pasar por un período de = go through + a period of.
* período bajo = dry spell.
* período culminante = peak period.
* período de baja actividad = dry spell.
* período de calma = lull.
* período de cobertura = date of coverage, period of coverage.
* período de cultivo = growing season.
* período de descanso = rest time.
* período de descuento por inscripción anticipada = early bird period.
* período de entreguerras, el = interwar period, the.
* período de espera = waiting period.
* período de estancamiento = plateau [plateaux, -pl.].
* período de financiación = funding period.
* periodo de gracia = grace period, time of grace.
* período de inactividad = doldrums.
* período de incubación = incubation period.
* período de la prensa manual, el = hand-press period, the.
* período de la prensa mecánica, el = machine-press period, the.
* período de lluvia = wet spell.
* periodo de mandato = period of office.
* período de mayor demanda = peak time.
* período de McCarthy, el = McCarthy period, the.
* período de observación = observation period.
* período de poca actividad = slack time, slack period, slack activity time.
* período de prácticas = work placement, training attachment.
* período de prácticas en centros = practicum.
* período de prácticas en la industria = industrial placement.
* período de prueba = probationary period, trial period, trial run, probation, period of probation, probation period.
* período de recortes presupuestarios = budget-slashing times.
* período de reflexión = cooling-off period.
* período de sequía = dry spell.
* período de servicio = tour of duty.
* período de tiempo = amount of time, time, time frame [timeframe], time lapse, time period, time span [time-span], time slot, period of time, date range.
* período de vacaciones = vacation period.
* período de validez = period of validity.
* período de vigencia = time span [time-span].
* período de votación = balloting period.
* período escolar = school days.
* período glacial = ice age.
* periodo histórico = historical period.
* período medieval = mediaeval period [medieval period, -USA], mediaeval times [medieval times, -USA].
* período positivo = bonanza.
* período previo = run-up.
* período previo a la lectura = prereading.
* período seco = dry spell.
* período transitorio = transitional period, transition period.
* período ventajoso = bonanza.
* por un período de tiempo limitado = on a short-term basis.
* préstamo de periodo fijo = fixed date loan period.
* trabajar durante un período de tiempo = serve + stint.
* un período de = a stretch of.
* un período determinado = a frozen moment in time.
* un periodo intenso de = a flurry of.